Devotionals,  God at Work

Laying Key Building Blocks: Our Firm Foundation In Christ

Max, my autistic son, lives on Altura Street. Translated, the street name means “most high.” I love that the “most high God” watches over Max there. But his abode is not without its problems. In turnkey condition when we bought it, it’s now plagued with cracks. They pop up on walls, floors, and even in the dirt in the front yard. In thinking about cracks, I’m prompted to take inventory of cracks in my own life. I want to make sure I’m laying key building blocks. Our firm foundation in Christ is the most important real estate you and I will ever possess.

And I want to make sure I’m properly grounded, especially when it comes to the condition of my spiritual foundation. So that I’m fully prepared for eternity.

Exercising Discernment When Laying Your Foundation

But back to our world for a moment. And my son’s cracking house. I wish I’d done a little more due diligence before buying it. Because I now know that some foundational issues aren’t required to be legally disclosed in real estate transactions. But God clearly discloses the cost of lackadaisical foundation prep in our spiritual life in His holy word. Indeed, we must be completely intentional in what we build upon.  Because when we are fully aware of the quality of our foundation, it can make all the difference in our lives here and moving forward.

In Hebrews 11:9, we read of Abraham’s solid foundational choice. “By faith, he made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country; he lived in tents…For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder was God.” Abraham’s foundation was his faith in God and His promises.

We can dig deeper by reading Matthew 7:24. Here, Jesus speaks of the wise man who built his house on the rock. “…the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall…” He then compared the wise builder to the man who built his house on the sand. When the flooding and strong winds came, it fell. Jesus calls those who’ve been taught such foundational difference and don’t heed them “foolish men.” Jesus embodies the foundation. In Psalm 118:22-23 and Mark 12:1-11 we read “the stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”

What is your “house” built on? Is all you hold dear resting on a sand dune of savings, lottery tickets, a new love, that next big promotion, or the future of your children? The only trustworthy, permanent foundation that can be fully relied on is that of Jesus Christ. In 1 Peter 2:6 we read “For it stands in scripture: Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.” That’s a comforting truth that we can bank in our spiritual vault.

Discerning Choice Materials

silver barsOnce the foundation is ready, we are to choose our building materials carefully. Whenever God wanted anything built, we can see in the Bible He always provided particulars. Be it an ark or a temple, His specificity was exacting. Solomon acquired cedar from Lebanon, chosen for its resistance to decay and bugs based on God’s directive. Gold, silver, and costly stones also adorned this house of the Lord per His instruction. We read in 1 Chronicles 22 and 29 that “wisdom will build her house with divine substance (gold), redemption’s fruit (silver), and transformed lives (costly stones.” We too should pay attention to the quality of whatever we use to accomplish the Lord’s work, using our first fruits and listening for His careful directives.

Knowing what materials to purchase is one thing. Actually going out and purchasing them is another. Sometimes, procrastination sets in. Has God ever given you something to build and you find yourself dragging your feet? This is certainly true for me. Earlier this year, I felt God calling me to build my own podcasting studio. I stalled. I put off ordering expensive equipment. And disqualified myself numerous times as I fought throwing in the towel.

As a result, a half-built structure languished upstairs. Meanwhile, I continued to bathe myself in God’s word and His promises. All the while, He reminded me of His calling on my life. And the joy of the Lord became my strength. I found His strength made perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12.) Finally, after friends and mentors further encouraged me, I took the plunge. All the gear is rolling in now. I’m thankful for God’s direction as well as their input in redirecting me after a procrastination period.

And because I am frugal to a fault about some things, I wanted clear direction on what to order for the studio. Using superior materials and furnishing a studio with fine equipment sets the stage for an excellent result for my labors. But sometimes, I err on the side of cutting corners and meet with disaster.

Does that ever happen to you?

There are countless examples in literature. Here’s one example.

The animated short “The Three Little Pigs” offers an educational primer on building materials. Filmed for Disney studios in 1933, two of the three pigs choose poor building materials. The first pig used straw to build his home. The second went with sticks. But the third opted for bricks, the only material that withstood challenges from the “big bad wolf.”

big bad wolfIn the cartoon, the bricklaying pig issues a warning that “I’ll be safe and you’ll be sorry/when the wolf comes to your door.” And so it went. The wolf appeared, he blew away the straw house and the stick house. The wise pig, declaring “only bricks and stones are wolf proof,” welcomed his “homeless” brothers into his strong house and at last foiled the wolf. He even boiled a kettle of water when the wolf tried to come through the chimney. That sent the wolf through the air and out of the house.

Sometimes, as is the case with Max’s house, a once sound structure deteriorates over time. Fortunately, it’s never too late to reinforce your spiritual structure when it lies on a firm foundation. Let’s make sure “that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.” Those rooted and grounded in His abiding love score the victory. That sends the wolf packing. When we resist the devil, he will flee. (James 4:7.)

Here are some other questions we can ask ourselves about foundations and structures.

* What are we building our “sanctuary” with? Ask God for discernment to show you what you need to make His plan for your life unfold and develop.

* Has the “wolf” left our respective buildings? Or is he at your door? Peter, in 1 Peter 5:8, calls the wolf a “roaring lion” who prowls around waiting to devour. Don’t be naive or caught off guard. Make sure you pray for a hedge of protection around your endeavors and ask your Heavenly Father to layer on the armor of God over you daily!

Celebrate A “Housewarming”

Solid selections of foundations and careful building are both actions worthy of celebrating. Consider commemorating your victory when you manage to build, secure and defend your “structure” built on Christ, the solid rock. Because in a world where so many build on so little, you’ve chosen wisely. Congratulations! You persevered!

Take time to thank mentors or family members who modeled important steps in building faith. Consider writing a letter to anyone who proved instrumental in this process. Thank them for coming alongside you to help you prepare the foundation, invest in materials and stand firm! Or you could make a monetary offering or one of time and service to the house of the Lord where you worship. However you choose to commemorate this milestone, rest assured in the knowledge that in laying key building blocks, our firm foundation in Christ this side of eternity will keep you rooted until the day Jesus Christ comes again!

Join Christian encourager/blogger/author Cindy LaFavre Yorks as she sojourns alongside you in your faith walk. Partner with her as she shares her travel tips for navigating life’s most challenging detours. Through personal storytelling and Bible application, Cindy cheers you on as you raise your white flag and deepen your trust in Him to develop an unshakeable faith to help you go the distance.